Monday, November 24, 2008

Christmas before Thanksgiving

The Christmas tree stands were in business in town this weekend, joining the many who start the holiday season earlier and earlier. But I have to admit I'm just as guilty as I've been spending time preparing to make the traditional Kovac gingerbread house.

I've learned from experience that I have to start Thanksgiving weekend in order to complete the house without staying up to all hours of the night. But this year I've started thinking about it earlier as I'm teaching a workshop at the kids' school. We'll see what the turn out for the class is, but if we have enough entries we should have quite a time smashing them all afterwards - another part of the Kovac family tradition.

Here's a video to enjoy set to an old-time tune by the name of "Breakin' Up Christmas." And if you want some info on how to make a gingerbread house, visit my new Fun Traditions blog that I've set up in preparation for the class. The instructions aren't there yet, but they will be soon.

Carol's adding her two cents: Great post - love the video! Yes, those gingerbread houses were a lot of fun - first making them. The icing is key - it has to be stiff enough to hold together and set up, but not so stiff you can't get it through a pastry tube. Mom always used to make a big drama out of putting the house together - would it stand up? would the roof slide off? Then it would be used as decoration through the holiday, and finally - on New Years Day - we kids would get to break it down. Neighborhood kids were invited too and it looked pretty much like in the video. Along with Laura and Fran, I also kept the tradition alive - here's an old photo with me, David and Elizabeth with one of our fine houses. Now its time for me to start with the grandkids! Thanks for the post!

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