Saturday, November 15, 2008

Midge gets her first Collar

WEWS in Cleveland reports news of a break-in in Huntsburg:

"It all started with a break-in in Huntsburg in Geauga County. A deputy drove by a house near Hunt Road and noticed a car that didn't belong there.

Two people emerged from the home carrying a big screen TV. As soon as they spotted the deputy, they dropped the TV and ran.

The deputy called in reinforcements and the chase was on. "

According to the station, Deputy Juanita Vetter - a former track star who once trained for the Olympics - chased the two down, even after they stole a couple of bikes in their escape. Apprehended suspect Charles See, Jr. said after his capture, "That is one tenacious broad. I thought I'd be able to outrun her."

The car into which they were attempting to load the TV was filled with tools - too much junk to get a large K9 officer, and so - Midge was deployed and promptly located a bag full of Vicodin. Midge, an 8-pound chihuahua, has received much publicity around the world as being the world's smallest drug dog. She is also the family pet of Geauga County Sheriff, Dan McClelland. Congratulations to Midge on her first 'collar'!! Link here to the WEWS news story.


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